The folder list displays your current folders and subfolders. Folders are used to organize your messages and can be arranged to suit your needs. Custom filters (defined in your Configuration) can be setup to automatically deliver incoming mail to specific folders.

The folders listing contains a summary of each folder including read and unread messages as well as space used for each folder.

  • To open a folder click on the folder name.
  • To delete a folder, select the checkbox next to the file name and click the 'Delete' button. If that folder contains messages, they will also be deleted without warning. If you do not wish to lose them, move them to another location prior to deleting the folder.
  • To rename or move a folder, click on the '[move]' link.
  • To create a new folder, click 'New folder'.
  • To activate or deactivate a folder, select the checkbox next to the file name and click the 'Activate' or 'Deactivate' button. This feature sends a subscribe command to the IMAP server. On future versions of this webmail, users will be able to list only subscribed folders.

Folders » New Folder

This screen allows you to create new folders for organizing your messages. Folders may be nested and you may create any number of levels of nesting of folders. Folder names are limited to 20 characters. The checkbox 'This folder is a container only' is for UW-IMAP mail servers. It is a folder that only contains subfolders and no messages. Other types of mail servers such as Courier and Cyrus allow folders to contain both messages and subfolders. This option may not be visible on all systems.

  • To create a new folder, click 'New Folder' and enter a name and a location for the new folder.

Folders » Move

This screen allows you to rename and/or move a folder.

  • To rename a folder, enter the new name and click 'Save'.
  • To move a folder to another location, select the new location from the popdown menu and click 'Save'.